Journal Articles
- Nick Trapp, A. Purgianto, J. Taylor, M. Singh, Lindsay Oberman, B. Mickey, Youssef Nagy, D. Solzbacher, B. Zebley and Laura Cabrera, 2025, "Consensus Review and Considerations on TMS to Treat Depression: A Comprehensive Update Endorsed by the National Network of Depression Centers, the Clinical TMS Society, and the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology", Clinical Neurophysiology, 170
- K. Lavelle, Laura Cabrera and Judy Illes, 2025, "From Scholarship to Practice: Standardizing Calls to Action in Neuroethics.", AJOB Neuroscience
- Laura Cabrera, Jennifer Wagner, Sarah Gerke and Daniel Susser, 2025, "Tempered enthusiasm by interviewed experts for synthetic data and ELSI checklists for AI in medicine", AI & Ethics
- Laura Cabrera, Robyn Bluhm, Eric Achtyes and Aaron McCright, 2025, "Is the treatment worse than the disease? Key Stakeholders’ Views about the Use of Psychiatric Electroceutical Interventions for Treatment-Resistant Depression", Neuroethics, 18, (1)
- Joshua Cunningham, Laura Cabrera, A. Mahajan, S. Aslam, Sol De Jesus, R. Brennan, J. Jimenez-Shahed, S. Miocinovic, B. Walter, F. Panov, S. Zauber and Harini Sarva, 2024, "Survey of Common Deep Brain Stimulation Programming Practices by Experts in Parkinson’s Disease.", Journal of Neurology, 272, (1)
- Laura Cabrera, Alejandro Munoz and M. Ranjana, 2024, "Neuroethical Considerations and Attitudes about Neurostimulation as a Fatigue Countermeasure among Emergency Responders.", Frontiers in Neuroergonomics, 5
- M. Gurel, N. Rathod, Laura Cabrera, S. Voyton, F. Ozogul and I. T. Ozbolat, 2024, "A narrative review: 3D bioprinting of cultured muscle meat and seafood products and its potential for the food industry", Trends in Food Science & Technology, 152, pp. 104670
- Marissa Cortright, Sandra Chen, Robyn Bluhm, Eric Achtyes, Aaron McCright and Laura Cabrera, 2024, "Perceived Barriers to Using Neurostimulation: A National Survey of Psychiatrists, Patients, Caregivers, and the General Public.", Journal of ECT, 40, pp. 111-117
- J. Cunningham, R. Bluhm, E. Achtyes, A. M. McCright and Laura Cabrera, 2024, "The differential effects of psychiatrists' and patients’ prior experiences on views about psychiatric electroceutical interventions", Journal of Psychiatric Research, 170, pp. 11-18
- D. Susser, D. Schiff, S. Gerke, Laura Cabrera, G. I. Cohen and M. Doerr, 2024, "Synthetic Health Data: Real Ethical Promise and Peril", Hasting Center Report, 54, (5), pp. 8-13
- P. Kumar, K. Cotter and Laura Cabrera, 2024, "Taking responsibility for meaning and mattering: An agential realist approach to generative AI and literacy", Reading Research Quarterly, 59, (4), pp. 570-578
- D. Larrive, J. French, A. Antonietti, Z. McKinney, N. Prins and Laura Cabrera, 2024, "Embedding Value in Medical Neurotechnology: Examination of the Funder’s Role in Research, Development, and Application", Responsible Research and Innovation Journal, 11, (1)
- P. Henegan, J. Kockzara, R. Bluhm and Laura Cabrera, 2024, "Public Perceptions of Treating Opioid Use Disorder with Deep Brain Stimulation: A Comment Analysis Study", Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, 16, pp. e49924
- I. Dasgupta, E. Klein and Laura Cabrera, 2024, "What Happens After a Neural Implant Study? Expert Workshop on Post Trial Obligations", Neuroethics, 17, pp. 22
- K. A. Johnson, N. Dosenbach, E. Gordon, C. G. Welle, Laura Cabrera and C. C. McIntyre, 2024, "Proceedings of the 11th Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: Pushing the Forefront of Neuromodulation with Functional Network Mapping, Biomarkers for Adaptive DBS, Bioethical Dilemmas, AI-Guided Neuromodulation, and Translational Advancements", Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, section Brain Imaging and Stimulation, 18
- T. Brown, N. Martinez-Martin and Laura Cabrera, 2024, "Re-thinking the Ethics of International Bioethics Conferencing", AJOB Neuroscience, 24, (4), pp. 55-57
- C. R. P. Sullivan, A. Henry, J. Lehman, Z. Nahas, A. S. Widge and Laura Cabrera, 2024, "Rewriting the Script: The Need for Effective Education to Address Racial Disparities in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Uptake in BIPOC Communities", Neuroethics, 17, pp. 8
- Aaron McCright, Robyn Bluhm, Eric Achtyes and Laura Cabrera, 2024, "Explaining Key Stakeholders’ Preferences for Potential Policies Governing Psychiatric Electroceutical Intervention Use", NPJ Mental Health, 3, (52)
- Jennifer Wagner, Laura Cabrera, Sarah Gerke and Daniel Susser, 2024, "Synthetic Data and ELSI-focused Computational Checklists – A Survey of Biomedical Professionals’ Views", PLOS Digital Health, 3, (11)
- J. Cunningham, R. Bluhm, E. Achtyes, A. M. McCright and Laura Cabrera, 2023, "Guideline-based care for psychiatric electroceuticals: Results from a National Survey of Board-Certified Psychiatrists", Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 30, (2), pp. 290-295
- S. C. Chen, R. Bluhm, E. Achtyes, A. M. McCright and Laura Cabrera, 2023, "Looking through the lens of stigma: Understanding and anticipating concerns about the responsible development and use of psychiatric electroceutical interventions (PEIs)", SSM - Mental Health, 15, pp. 100261
- R. Bluhm, E. D. Sipahi, A. M. Achtyes, A. M. McCright and Laura Cabrera, 2023, "Stakeholders’ Ethical Concerns Regarding Psychiatric Electroceutical Interventions: Results from a US Nationwide Survey", AJOB Empirical Bioethics, 15, (1), pp. 11-21
- J. Tyron, R. Bluhm, E. Achtyes, A. M. McCright and Laura Cabrera, 2023, "The influence of prior awareness on views about psychiatric electroceutical interventions among non-clinician stakeholders", npj Mental Health Research, 2, pp. 6
- Laura Cabrera and O. A. van den Heuvel, 2023, "Ethical Considerations Regarding the Use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Mental Health Practice", Biological Psychiatry, 95, (6), pp. 491-493
- D. Susser and Laura Cabrera, 2023, "Brain Data in Context: Are New Rights the Way to Mental and Brain Privacy?", AJOB Neuroscience, 15, (2), pp. 122–133
- Robyn Bluhm, Marissa Cortright, Eric D. Achtyes and Laura Cabrera, 2023, "“They Are Invasive in Different Ways.”: Stakeholders’ Perceptions of the Invasiveness of Psychiatric Electroceutical Interventions", AJOB Neuroscience, 14, (1), pp. 1-12
- M. F. Wyman, Irving Vega, Laura Cabrera, Reza Amini, K. Kim and W. Tarraf, 2023, "Influence of care network characteristics on the physician visit experience for older adults with dementia", Journal of Gerontology, 78, (Supplement_1), pp. S59–S70
- Laura Cabrera, R. Bluhm, E. Achtyes and A. M. McCright, 2023, "Views about Psychiatric Electroceutical Interventions by Stakeholder Group, Treatment Modality, and Depression Severity", Comprehensive Psychiatry, 122, pp. 152365
- Robyn Bluhm and Laura Cabrera, 2022, "Self-implant ambiguity? Understanding self-related changes in deep brain stimulation", Philosophical Explorations, 25, (3), pp. 367-385
- P. Datta, Laura Cabrera and Ibrahim Ozbolat, 2022, "Ethical Challenges with 3D Bioprinted Tissues and Organs.", Trends in Biotechnology, 41, (1), pp. 6-9
- Laura Cabrera, Maryssa M.C. Miller, Eric D. Achtyes, Aaron M. McCright and Robyn Bluhm, 2022, "Jumping through the hoops: Barriers and other ethical concerns regarding the use of psychiatric electroceutical interventions", Psychiatry Research, 313, pp. 114612
- A Reuben, E M Manczak, Laura Cabrera, M Alegria, M L Bucher, E C Freeman, G W Miller, G M Solomon and M J Perry, 2022, "The Interplay of Environmental Exposures and Mental Health: Setting an Agenda.", Environmental health perspectives, 130, (2), pp. 25001
- F. Vitale, J. N. Gelinas and Laura Cabrera, 2022, "Backstory. Neurotechnology: Bridging the Dialogue between Engineers, Material Scientists, Clinicians, and Ethicists", iScience, 25, pp. 105432
- Jaime Montemayor, Harini Sarva, Karen Kelly-Blake and Laura Cabrera, 2022, "Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease: Why Earlier Use Makes Shared Decision Making Important", Neuroethics, 15, pp. 17
- G. Apantaku, P. J. McDonald, M. Aguiar, Laura Cabrera, W. Chiong, M. B. Connolly, V. Hrincu, G. M. Ibrahim, K. J. Kaal, A. Lawson, R. Naftel, E. Racine, A. Safari, M. Harrison and Judy Illes, 2022, "Clinician Preferences for Neurotechnologies in Pediatric Drug Resistant Epilepsy: A Discrete Choice Experiment.", Epilepsy, 6, (9), pp. 2338-2349
- D Alfonso, Laura Cabrera, C Sidiropoulos, F Wang and H Sarva, 2022, "How Parkinson's patients in the USA perceive deep brain stimulation in the 21st century: Results of a nationwide survey.", Journal of clinical neuroscience : official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia, 95, pp. 20-26
- K. A. Fernandez, R. Hamilton, Laura Cabrera and J. Medaglia, 2022, "Context-dependent Risk & Benefit Sensitivity Mediate Judgments About Cognitive Enhancement.", AJOB Neuroscience, 13, (1), pp. 73-77
- Laura Cabrera, C Young Han, T Ostendorf, J Jimenez-Shahed and H Sarva, 2021, "Neurologists' Attitudes Toward Use and Timing of Deep Brain Stimulation.", Neurology. Clinical practice, 11, (6), pp. 506-516
- R Bluhm, E Castillo, E D Achtyes, A M McCright and Laura Cabrera, 2021, "They Affect the Person, but for Better or Worse? Perceptions of Electroceutical Interventions for Depression Among Psychiatrists, Patients, and the Public.", Qualitative health research, 31, (13), pp. 2542-2553
- Laura Cabrera, K. Parker and I. E. Vega, 2021, "Knowledge and Attitudes of two Latino Groups about Alzheimer Disease: a Qualitative Study", Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 36, (3), pp. 265-284
- Laura Cabrera, Gerald R. Nowak, Aaron M. McCright, Eric Achtyes and Robyn Bluhm, 2021, "A qualitative study of key stakeholders’ perceived risks and benefits of psychiatric electroceutical interventions", Health, Risk & Society, 23, (5-6), pp. 217-235
- Laura Cabrera and Robyn Bluhm, 2021, "Challenges and Opportunities of Creating Conceptual Maps", AJOB Neuroscience, 12, (2-3), pp. 187-189
- Laura Cabrera, M MC Gilbert M., A M McCright, E D Achtyes and R Bluhm, 2021, "Beyond the Cuckoo's Nest: Patient and Public Attitudes about Psychiatric Electroceutical Interventions.", The Psychiatric quarterly, 92, (4), pp. 1425-1438
- Laura Cabrera, S D Mitchell, A Bender, E Tvedten, C Sidiropoulos and H Sarva, 2021, "Attitudes toward use and timing of deep brain stimulation: a patient's with DBS perspective.", Clinical neurology and neurosurgery, 203, pp. 106553
- Laura Cabrera, C. Courchesne, M. Bittlinger, S. Müller, R. Martinez, E. Racine and J. Illes, 2021, "Authentic Self and Last Resort: International Perceptions of Psychiatric Neurosurgery", Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 45, (1), pp. 141-161
- J A Chandler, Laura Cabrera, P Doshi, S Fecteau, J J Fins, S Guinjoan, C Hamani, K Herrera-Ferrá, C M Honey, J Illes, B H Kopell, N Lipsman, P J McDonald, H S Mayberg, R Nadler, B Nuttin, A J Oliveira-Maia, C Rangel, R Ribeiro, A Salles and H Wu, 2021, "International Legal Approaches to Neurosurgery for Psychiatric Disorders.", Frontiers in human neuroscience, 14, pp. 588458
- Laura Cabrera, G. R. Nowak, A. M. McCright, E. Achtyes and R. Bluhm, 2021, "Last Resort Interventions?: A Qualitative Study of Psychiatrists’ Experience with and Views on Psychiatric Electroceutical Interventions", Psychiatric Quarterly
- P. Testini, H. Sarva, J. Schwalb, S. Barkan and Laura Cabrera, 2021, "Neurosurgeons perspective on the shift towards earlier use of deep brain stimulation for Parkinson disease", Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management, 25, pp. 101224
- Aakash A. Dave and Laura Cabrera, 2020, "Osteopathic Medical Students’ Attitudes Towards Different Modalities of Neuroenhancement: a Pilot Study", Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, 4, (4), pp. 422-433
- R. Bluhm and Laura Cabrera, 2020, "Deep Brain Stimulation and Relational Agency: Negotiating Relationships", International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics, 13, (1), pp. 155-161
- Laura Cabrera and R. Bluhm, 2020, "Fostering Neuroethics Integration: Disciplines, Methods and Frameworks", AJOB Neuroscience, 11, (3), pp. 194-196
- Laura Cabrera and K. Herrera-Ferra, 2020, "¿Neuroensanchamiento?: Concepts and Perspectives about Neuroenhancement in the Hispanic Literature", Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, 4, pp. 82-93
- D. Greenbaum and Laura Cabrera, 2020, "Editorial: ELSI in Human Enhancement: What Distinguished it from Therapy?", Frontiers in Genetics, 11, pp. 618
- Laura Cabrera, Karen Kelly-Blake and Christos Sidiropoulos, 2020, "Perspectives on Deep Brain Stimulation and Its Earlier Use for Parkinson’s Disease: A Qualitative Study of US Patients", Brain Sciences, 10, (1), pp. 34
- Nicole Martinez-Martin, Ishan Dasgupta, Adrian Carter, Jennifer A Chandler, Philipp Kellmeyer, Karola Kreitmair, Anthony Weiss and Laura Cabrera, 2020, "Ethics of Digital Mental Health During COVID-19: Crisis and Opportunities", JMIR Mental Health, 7, (12), pp. e23776
- Laura Cabrera, 2019, "A human rights approach to low data reporting in clinical trials of psychiatric deep brain stimulation", Bioethics, 33, (9), pp. 1050-1058
- Laura Cabrera, Charles Sadle and Erin Purcell, 2019, "Neuroethical considerations of high-density electrode arrays", Nature Biomedical Engineering, 3, (8), pp. 586-589
- Laura Cabrera, Caitlin Courchesne, Zelma H.T. Kiss and Judy Illes, 2019, "Clinical Perspectives on Psychiatric Neurosurgery", Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, 97, (5-6), pp. 391-398
- Laura Cabrera, Marisa Brandt, Rachel McKenzie and Robyn Bluhm, 2019, "Online comments about psychiatric neurosurgery and psychopharmacological interventions: Public perceptions and concerns", Social Science & Medicine, 220, pp. 184-192
- Laura Cabrera, H. Sarva and C. Sidiropoulous, 2019, "Perspectives on the Earlier Use of Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson Disease from a Qualitative Study of U.S. Clinicians", World Neurosurgery, 128, pp. e16 - e20
- R. Bluhm, Laura Cabrera and R. McKenzie, 2019, "What we (Should) Talk about when we Talk about Deep Brain Stimulation and Personal Identity", Neuroethics
- P. Kellmeyer, J. Chandler, Laura Cabrera, A. Carter, K. Kreitmair, Emerging Issues Task Force and International Neuroethics Society, 2019, "Neuroethics at 15: The Current and Future Environment for Neuroethics", AJOB Neuroscience, 10, (3), pp. 104-110
- Laura Cabrera and P Reiner, 2018, "A Novel Sequential Mixed-method Technique for Contrastive Analysis of Unscripted Qualitative Data: Contrastive Quantitized Content Analysis", Sociological Methods and Research, pp. 1-17
- Laura Cabrera and J. Illes, 2018, "Balancing ethics and care in disorders of consciousness", The Lancet Neurology, 17, (2), pp. 112-113
- Laura Cabrera, R. McKenzie, M. Brandt and R. Bluhm, 2018, "Comparison of philosophical concerns between professionals and the public regarding two psychiatric treatments", AJOB Empirical Bioethics, 9, (4), pp. 252-266
- Laura Cabrera, H. Boyce, R. McKenzie and R. Bluhm, 2018, "Conflicts of interest and industry professional relationships in psychiatric neurosurgery: A comparative literature review", Neurosurgical Focus, 45, (2)
- Laura Cabrera, C. Sidiropoulos and J. Goudreau, 2018, "Critical appraisal of the recent US FDA approval for earlier DBS intervention", Neurology, 91, (3), pp. 133-136
- Laura Cabrera and R. Bluhm, 2018, "Interpreting Patients’ Beliefs About Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression: The Need for Caution and for Context", AJOB Neuroscience, 9, (4), pp. 230-232
- R. Bluhm and Laura Cabrera, 2018, "It’s Not Just Counting that Counts: a Reply to Gilbert, Viaña, and Ineichen", Neuroethics
- Laura Cabrera, M. Bittlinger, H. Lou, S. Müller and J. Illes, 2018, "Reader comments to media reports on psychiatric neurosurgery: past history casts shadows on the future", Acta Neurochirurgica, 160, (12), pp. 2501-2507
- D. Stahl, Laura Cabrera and T. Gibb, 2018, "Should DBS for Psychiatric Disorders be Considered a Form of Psychosurgery? Ethical and Legal Considerations", Science and Engineering Ethics, 24, (4), pp. 1119-1142
- S. Engel-Glatter, Laura Cabrera, Y. Marzouki and B. S. Elger, 2018, "Teaching Bioethics to a Large Number of Biology and Pharma Students: Lessons Learned", Ethics and Behavior, 28, (1), pp. 70-90
- Laura Cabrera, M. Bittlinger, H. Lou, S. Müller and J. Illes, 2018, "The re-emergence of psychiatric neurosurgery: insights from a cross-national study of newspaper and magazine coverage", Acta Neurochirurgica, 160, (3), pp. 625-635
- I. E. Vega, Laura Cabrera, C. M. Wygant, D. Velez-Ortiz and S. E. Counts, 2017, "Alzheimer's Disease in the Latino Community: Intersection of Genetics and Social Determinants of Health", Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 58, (4), pp. 979-992
- Laura Cabrera, R. McKenzie and R. Bluhm, 2017, "Beyond the Technology: Attribution and Agency in Treatments for Mental Disorders", AJOB Neuroscience, 2, (8), pp. 92-94
- A. Shriver, Laura Cabrera and J. Illes, 2017, "Environmental Neuroethics: Bridging Environmental Ethics and Mental Health", American Journal of Bioethics, 17, (9), pp. 26-27
- Laura Cabrera, 2017, "Pesticides", Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 26, (4), pp. 602-615
- M. Eijkholt, Laura Cabrera, A. Ramirez-Zamora and J. G. Pilitsis, 2017, "Shaking Up the Debate: Ensuring the Ethical Use of DBS Intervention Criteria for Mid-Stage Parkinson's Patients", Neuromodulation, 20, (5), pp. 411-416
- Laura Cabrera, 2017, "Reframing Human Enhancement: A Population Health Perspective", Front Sociol., 2, pp. 4
- Laura Cabrera, J. Tesluk, M. Chakraborti, R. Mathhews and J. Illes, 2016, "Brain matters: From environmental ethics to environmental neuroethics", Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source, 15, pp. 20
- Laura Cabrera, 2016, "Inductive Risks, Inferences, and the Role of Values in Disorders of Consciousness", AJOB Neuroscience, 7, (1), pp. 57-59
- Laura Cabrera, 2016, "Is External Pressure Really the Key Objection Against Neurosurgery for Imprisoned Psychopaths?", AJOB Neuroscience, 7, (3), pp. 173-175
- Laura Cabrera and B. Elger, 2016, "Memory Interventions in the Criminal Justice System: Some Practical Ethical Considerations", Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 13, pp. 95-103
- Laura Cabrera, N. S. Fitz and P. B. Reiner, 2015, "Empirical Support for the Moral Salience of the Therapy-Enhancement Distinction in the Debate Over Cognitive, Affective and Social Enhancement", Neuroethics, 8, pp. 243-256
- Laura Cabrera and S. Engel, 2015, "Human–Animal Chimera: A Neuro Driven Discussion? Comparison of Three Leading European Research Countries", Science and Engineering Ethics, 21, pp. 595-617
- Laura Cabrera, N. Fitz and P. B. Reiner, 2015, "Reasons for comfort and discomfort with pharmacological enhancement of cognitive, affective, and social domains", Neuroethics, 8, pp. 93-106
- Laura Cabrera and P. B. Reiner, 2015, "Understanding public (mis)understanding of tDCS for enhancement", Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 9, (30)
- Laura Cabrera, B. L. Beattie, E. Dwosh and J. Illes, 2015, "Converging Approaches to Understanding Early onset Familial Alzheimer Disease: A First Nations Study", SAGE Open Medicine
- Laura Cabrera, E. Evans and R. Hamilton, 2014, "Ethics of the electrified mind: Defining issues and perspectives on the principled use of brain stimulation in medical research and clinical care", Brain Topography, 27, (1), pp. 33-45
- Laura Cabrera, 2014, "Visioneering and the Role of Active Engagement and Assessment", NanoEthics, 8, pp. 201-206
- Laura Cabrera and J. Weckert, 2013, "Human Enhancement and Communication: On Meaning and Shared Understanding", Science and Engineering Ethics, 19, (3), pp. 1039-1056
- Laura Cabrera and P. Reiner, 2013, "The Emotional Impact of 'Study Drugs': Unsurprising and Unconvincing", AJOB Neuroscience, 4, (1), pp. 20-21
- G. M. Gkotsi, Laura Cabrera and R. Andorno, 2013, "Assessing the Impact of the Neuroscientific Revolution on Ethics and Law", Bioethica Forum, 6, (1)
- B Elger and Laura Cabrera, 2012, "Ethical Ways to Increase Donation of Haematopoietic Stem Cells", Bioethica Forum, 5, (3), pp. 92-99
- Laura Cabrera, 2012, "Social Enhancement: Innovation for all", International Journal of Design Research and Innovation, 7, (1)
- Laura Cabrera, 2011, "Neuroethics: A new way to do ethics or a new understanding of ethics?", AJOB Neuroscience, 2, (2), pp. 25-26
- Laura Cabrera, 2011, "They Might Retain Capacities to Consent But Do They Even Care?", AJOB Neuroscience, 2, (1), pp. 41-42
- Laura Cabrera, 2011, "Salud pública: Caminando hacia el mejoramiento humano Social", Perspectivas Bioéticas, 16, (30), pp. 123-141
- Laura Cabrera, 2011, "Memory enhancement: The Issues We Should Not Forget About", Journal of Evolution and Technology, 22, (1), pp. 97-109
- Laura Cabrera, 2010, "Human implants: A suggested framework to set priorities", International Journal of Technoethics, 1, (4), pp. 39-48
- Laura Cabrera, 2010, "Neurotechnology: the need for neuroethicists.", Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics, 11, pp. 1-2
- Laura Cabrera, 2009, "Nanotechnology: Changing the disability paradigm", International Journal of Disability, Community and Rehabilitation, 8, (2)
Conference Proceedings
- Noelini Prins, Rebecca Montelone, J. Soldado-Magraner, J. Nash, Michael Young and Laura Cabrera, 2022, "Reexamining the Ethical, Legal, Social, and Cultural Implications for Cochlear Implants Through a Novel Neuroethics Framework", IEEE Xplore
- Laura Cabrera, 2012, "Social enhancement: Re-thinking the role of emerging technologies", ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
- A. Mantilla, H. Perez-Meana, D. Mata, C. Angeles, J. Alvarado and Laura Cabrera, 2006, "Analysis and recognition of voiced segments of esophageal speech", Proceedings - Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference, CERMA 2006, pp. 236-244
- A. Mantilla, H. Perez-Meana, D. Mata, C. Angeles, J. Alvarado and Laura Cabrera, 2006, "Recognition of vowel segments in Spanish esophageal speech using Hidden Markov models", Proceedings - 15th International Conference on Computing, CIC 2006, pp. 115-120
- Yakeel T Quiroz, Michele Solis, Maria Aranda, Alicia I Arbaje, Mirna Arroyo-Miranda and Laura Cabrera, 2022, "Addressing the disparities in dementia risk, early detection and care in Latino populations: Highlights from the second Latinos & Alzheimer’s Symposium", Alzheimer and Dementia, 18, (9), pp. 1677-1686
- Laura Cabrera, 2023, "New Neurotechnology is Blurring the Lines Around Mental Privacy – But are New Human Rights the Answer?."
- R. Bluhm and Laura Cabrera, 2023, "Re-Examining Different Stakeholder Views on Changes in Personality: Adding Nuance to the Discussion", AJOB Neuroscience, 14, (3), pp. 302-304
- Laura Cabrera, 2023, "Rethinking the ethical priorities for brain–computer interfaces", Nature Electronics
- Laura Cabrera, 2021, "The Need for Guidance around Recruitment and Consent Practices in Intracranial Electrophysiology Research.", AJOB neuroscience, 12, (1), pp. 1-2
- Laura Cabrera and J. Carter-Johnson, 2018, "It’s Not My Fault, My Brain Implant Made Me Do It"
- Laura Cabrera and D. Greenbaum, 2018, "Research Topic. ELSI in human enhancement: What Distinguishes it from Therapy?", Frontiers
- Laura Cabrera, 2016, "The Competing Identities of Neuroethics"
- Laura Cabrera, 2013, "Visioneering and Our Common Future"