Penn State Engineering Science and Mechanics Alumni Society

Engineering Science and Mechanics Alumni Society

The Penn State Engineering Science and Mechanics Alumni Society (PSESMAS) is a group of diverse, passionate alumni who endeavor to be catalysts to motivate many other alumni to interact with the ESM department, its students, and other alumni.

Our Goal

To promote lifelong, mutually beneficial relationships that improve the quality of the department and the education it provides to both undergraduate and graduate students.

Our Mission

Advance the department’s world-wide recognition, specifically in recruiting and retaining diverse, quality students; preparing these students for the work environment; and promoting the understanding, attractiveness, and perceived value of engineering science and mechanics in industry, research, and academia.

To execute this mission, the alumni advisory board, working closely with ESM department faculty and staff, will establish an active network of alumni and students, interact with all involved parties to generate strong communication paths, and advocate for department initiatives and ESM students throughout the “lifecycle” of their recruitment, education, and careers.

Focus Areas

PSESMAS has five focus areas and five committees to guide its efforts:

  • Student Recruitment
  • Student Mentoring
  • Student Job Placement
  • Department Identity and Communications
  • Department Development and Alumni Relations

To learn more about the ESM Alumni Society, please contact the coordinator for alumni, development, and advancement Bethany Illig at 814-867-1569 or

PSESMAS Advisory Board

View a current list of advisory board members.

Alumni LinkedIn Group

Stay in touch with the PSESMAS and other alumni by joining our Penn State Engineering Science and Mechanics Alumni LinkedIn group.

Stay Connected

We want you to be aware of all the news, events, and incredible happenings taking place in our department as well as the University as a whole. To update your alumni information, please visit:



The Penn State Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics (ESM) is an internationally distinguished department that is recognized for its globally competitive excellence in engineering and scientific accomplishments, research, and educational leadership.

Our Engineering Science program is the official undergraduate honors program of the College of Engineering, attracting the University’s brightest engineering students. We also offer graduate degrees in ESM, engineering mechanics, engineering at the nano-scale, and an integrated undergraduate/graduate program.

Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics

212 Earth and Engineering Sciences Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-4523