Photo of Andrea Argüelles

Andrea Argüelles

Associate Professor
Associate Head


  • Engineering Science and Mechanics
  • Acoustics
  • Center for Acoustics and Vibration

409C Earth and Engineering Sciences Building


Research Website

Google Scholar Profile

Research Areas:

Dynamic Systems, Acoustics, and Vibrations; Energy Infrastructure, Storage and Devices; Structural and Human Health Monitoring

Interest Areas:

Experimental, computational, and theoretical research in the area of stress wave propagation in heterogeneous media with applications in: materials and microstructure characterization, nondestructive evaluation, effective medium modeling, biomedical ultrasound, among others.




  • BS, Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley, 2011
  • MS, Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley, 2012
  • Ph D, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2016


Journal Articles

  • Nancy Huang, Olivia J Cook, Andrea Paola Arguelles and Allison Beese, 2023, "Review of process-structure-property relationships in metals fabricated using binder jet additive manufacturing", Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, 12, (6), pp. 883-905
  • Abdullah Jabr, Haley N Jones, Andrea P. Argüelles, Susan E Trolier-McKinstry, Clive A Randall and Raul Bermejo, 2023, "Scaling up the cold sintering process of ceramics", Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 43, (12), pp. 5319-5329
  • Haley Jones, Elizabeth Trautman, Jon-Paul Maria, Susan E Trolier-McKinstry and Andrea Paola Arguelles, 2023, "Assessment of flaws in cold sintered ZnO via acoustic wave speed and attenuation measurements", Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 406, pp. 4955--4966
  • Nancy Huang, Olivia J Cook, Robert LW Smithson, Andrea Paola Arguelles and Allison Beese, 2023, "Investigation of the effects of stress triaxiality and porosity on failure behavior of binder jet 316 stainless steel infiltrated with bronze", JOM, 75, pp. 1941-1952
  • Farshad Ghanbari, Eduardo G Rodriguez, Millan, Daniel, Francesco Simonetti, Andrea Paola Arguelles and Christian Peco Regales, 2023, "Modeling of wave propagation in polycrystalline ice with hierarchical density gradients", Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 217, pp. 103916
  • Jungin Lee, Olivia J Cook, Andrea Paola Arguelles and Yashar Mehmani, 2023, "Imaging geomechanical properties of shales with infrared light", Fuel, 334, pp. 126467
  • Olivia J Cook, Nancy Huang, Robert LW Smithson, Christopher Kube, Allison Beese and Andrea Paola Arguelles, 2023, "Uncovering microstructural heterogeneities in binder jet printed SS316L through ultrasonic testing and X-ray computed tomography", Materials Characterization, pp. 112697
  • Andrea Paola Arguelles, 2022, "Von Kàrmàn spatial correlation function to describe wave propagation in polycrystalline media", Journal of Applied Physics, 131, (22), pp. 225109
  • Olivia Cook, Nancy Huang, Robert Smithson, Christopher Kube, Allison Beese and Andrea Paola Arguelles, 2022, "Ultrasonic characterization of porosity in components made by binder jet additive manufacturing", Materials Evaluation, 80, (4), pp. 37-44
  • Tobias Mahan, Lauren Katch, Andrea Paola Arguelles and Jessica Menold, 2022, "Design for inspectability: a framework to increase inspectability of additive manufacturing parts for pulse-echo ultrasonic inspection methods", Journal of Mechanical Design, 144, (7), pp. 072001
  • Nancy Huang, Olivia J Cook, Justin D Warner, Robert LW Smithson, Christopher Kube, Andrea Paola Arguelles and Allison Beese, 2022, "Effects of infiltration conditions on binder jet additively manufactured stainless steel infiltrated with bronze", Additive Manufacturing, 59, pp. 103162
  • Lauren Katch and Andrea Paola Arguelles, 2022, "Focal depth localization for highly focused transducers in isotropic materials", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 152, (4), pp. 2405-2411
  • Nancy Huang, Olivia Cook, Robert Smithson, Christopher Kube, Andrea Paola Arguelles and Allison Beese, 2022, "Use of ultrasound to identify microstructure-property relationships in 316 stainless steel fabricated with binder jet additive manufacturing", Additive Manufacturing, 51, pp. 102591
  • Samantha McGuigan, Andrea Paola Arguelles, Anne-Francoise Obaton, Alkan M Donmez and Parisa Shokouhi, 2021, "Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy for quality control of geometrically complex additively manufactured components", Additive Manufacturing, 39, pp. 101808
  • Christopher Michael Kube and Andrea Paola Arguelles, 2019, "Pressure influence on elastic wave attenuation in polycrystalline materials", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146, (6), pp. 4183-4189
  • Andrea Paola Arguelles and Joseph A Turner, 2019, "Generalized ultrasonic scattering model for arbitrary transducer configurations", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146, (6), pp. 4413-4424
  • Christopher M Kube, Andrea Paola Arguelles and Joseph A Turner, 2018, "Ultrasonic backscatter from elongated grains using line focused ultrasound", Ultrasonics, 82, pp. 79-83
  • Xiongbing Li, Yongfeng Song, Andrea Paola Arguelles and Joseph A Turner, 2017, "Diffuse ultrasonic backscatter using a multi-Gaussian beam model", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142, (1), pp. 195-205
  • Xiongbing Li, Xiaoqin Han, Andrea Paola Arguelles, Yongfeng Song and Hongwei Hu, 2017, "Evaluating grain size in polycrystals with rough surfaces by corrected ultrasonic attenuation", Ultrasonics, 78, pp. 23-29
  • Andrea Paola Arguelles and Joseph A Turner, 2017, "Ultrasonic attenuation of polycrystalline materials with a distribution of grain sizes", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141, (6), pp. 4347-4353
  • Christopher M Kube and Andrea Paola Arguelles, 2017, "Ultrasonic harmonic generation from materials with up to cubic nonlinearity", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142, (2), pp. EL224-EL230
  • Christopher M Kube and Andrea Paola Arguelles, 2016, "Bounds and self-consistent estimates of the elastic constants of polycrystals", Computers \& Geosciences, 95, pp. 118-122
  • Andrea Paola Arguelles, Christopher M Kube, Ping Hu and Joseph A Turner, 2016, "Mode-converted ultrasonic scattering in polycrystals with elongated grains", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 140, (3), pp. 1570-1580
  • Christopher M. Kube, Andrea Paola Arguelles and Joseph A. Turner, 2015, "On the acoustoelasticity of polycrystalline materials", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138, (3), pp. 1498-1507
  • Andrea Paola Arguelles, Constantine Tarawneh, Young-Gil Park and Stephen W Crown, 2012, "Developing Positive Study Habits through Course Recitation", Journal of Applications and Practices in Engineering Education, 3, (1), pp. 1-12
  • Lauren Katch, Mohammadreza Moghaddaszadeh, Carson L Willey, Abigail T Juhl, Mostafa Nouh and Andrea Paola Arguelles, , "Analysis of geometric defects in square locally resonant phononic crystals: A comparative study of modeling approaches", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154, (5), pp. 3052-3061
  • Debrina Roy, Nicole Calpin, Kathy Cheng, Alison Olechowski, Andrea Paola Arguelles, Nicolas Soria Zurita and Jessica Menold, , "Designing together: exploring collaborative dynamics of multi-objective design problems in virtual environments", Journal of Mechanical Design, 146, (3), pp. 031702
  • Lauren Katch, Wei Yi Yeoh, Bo Lan and Andrea Paola Arguelles, , "Shear wave ultrasound inspection of flaws in silicon wafers using focused transducers", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferrolectrics, and Frequency Control, 70, (11), pp. 1506-1515

Conference Proceedings

  • Debrina Roy, Tanner Srbinovich, Andrea Paola Arguelles and Jessica Menold, 2022, "Investigating the Relationship Between Geometric Features and Inspectability of Additive Manufactured (AM) Parts", ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
  • Tobias Mahan, Micaela Stover, Andrea Paola Arguelles and Jessica Menold, 2020, "Creating a DfI framework: investigating DfAM heuristics for inspection technologies", ASME 2020 Virtual International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
  • Christopher M Kube, Andrea Paola Arguelles and Brandon McWilliams, 2018, "On the harmonic scattering amplitudes from a nonlinear elastic spherical inclusion", American Institute of Physics, Vol. 1949 (1), pp. 070004
  • Andoni Zagouris, Arturo A Fuentes, Constantine M Tarawneh, Javier A Kypuros and Andrea Paola Arguelles, 2012, "Experimentally Validated Finite Element Analysis of Railroad Bearing Adapter Operating Temperatures", pp. 565--576

Research Projects

Honors and Awards


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




The Penn State Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics (ESM) is an internationally distinguished department that is recognized for its globally competitive excellence in engineering and scientific accomplishments, research, and educational leadership.

Our Engineering Science program is the official undergraduate honors program of the College of Engineering, attracting the University’s brightest engineering students. We also offer graduate degrees in ESM, engineering mechanics, engineering at the nano-scale, and an integrated undergraduate/graduate program.

Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics

212 Earth and Engineering Sciences Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-4523